Tour De Flambeau 40 Bike Race
Date and Time
Saturday Sep 2, 2023 Sunday Sep 3, 2023
Saturday Registration: 7:30AM to 9:30AM
Road Race starts at 10:00AM, Junior Race starts at 8:30AM (Must pre- register in advance for Junior Race)
Free Kids Race to start after Road Race begins.
Sunday Registration: 7:00 AM to 8:30AM at the American Legion Hall, 182 274 N 3rd Ave., Park Falls. First racers being released at 9:00 AM and then at 1-minute intervals and MUST report to starting area with bib number at least 5 minutes prior to assigned start time.
Saturday: Park Falls Community Room, 400 4th Ave S. Park Falls
Sunday: American Legion Hall, 182 274 N 3rd Ave., Park Falls
See registration form for detailed fee information.
Contact Information
Park Falls Chamber of Commerce
Send Email
Saturday: Juniors have the choice to ride the full Road Race or the new Juniors Road Race. The Full Road Race is a thirty-five (35) mile loop consisting of rolling hills. The Junior Race will be a six (6) mile loop on mostly level roads.
Sunday Time Trial:
A 12 mile total ride with the majority of the terrain being flat and straight.